Big subluxation of lens in young children: our big bad wolf


I. Prieto, J. Cabral, A. Souza e Silva, M. Ferreira, B. Feijóo, F. E. Esperancinha


     Several procedures are described to approach the great subluxation of lens in children, as there are different happy ending stories with the big bad wolf. We show the difficulties and different surgical approaches in two young children, with Marfan syndrome. We tried to preserve the capsular bag to implant an intraocular foldable lens. Different types of capsular tension rings and segment were applied, followed by primary posterior capsulotomy and anterior vitrectomy, a dangerous step in this setting. The good results obtained, lead us to believe that this attempt may also be another way to “catch” this big bad wolf.


► no Video Symposium on Challenging Cases do XXIIth Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS), em Paris, Setembro de 2004, onde foi vencedor do 1º lugar na competição de video (Special cases)
► no XLVII Congresso Português de Oftalmologia, em Viseu, Dezembro de 2004